Whoa!!!!!! That was some vacation! I forgot to come back for over 2 years! That's crazy! Well, I'm going to give a go again - see if I can do a little better.
This is due, in part, to Jane over at Jane's Fabric and Quilts blog. She is doing an embroidery blog hop and has inspired me to blog about the things I love most to do!
But I also want to blog about some of my favorite people - family.
Since it's been so long, it would probably be best to, almost, start over. But I think just a little splash of info from here and there will do. Let's start with most recent happenings and work backwards . . . . . . . kinda . . . . . . .

My dear sweet Niece Jennifer and her husband Claudio had a sweet baby girl, Kiara Marie on July 10, 2009. This picture was actually taken in September of 2010.
This one was taken this past summer - Kiara is kissing her baby brother, Max! To bad the whole picture doesn't show - Kiara has her lady-bug dress and wings on and she is on her tippy toes to kiss Max. Too cute!

Here she is holding little brother Max! She is now 3 and loving being a big sister!
Max arrived on January 7, 2013, weighing 8lbs, 3oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long. He is one week old here and such a good baby! That's what Gramma and Mommy said anyway!
Now for other baby news. Back to 2009 . . . . another one of my sweet nieces also brought a bundle of joy into this world.
Amanda, too, had a July baby . . . . Jamal.
Don't be alarmed! He did not arrive that size! I just don't have any newborn pictures of him. LOL
Isn't he a cutie pie? He's 9 months old here.
Taken - June 2011 - still naked! Still a cutie pie!
Also taken June 2011 - this is Jamal's brother Andre (front) and their Uncle Jerry behind him. These all belong to my youngest brother, Paul.
This is Paul at his 30 year class reunion - 2011
Amanda is his adorable oldest
Andre and Jamal are hers.
His second child is Leah, who lives in California and is a sweet young woman with no kids as of yet. (But she does have a Pug - Bella)
And his youngest! Jerry Lee Elston. Named after his Grandpa! They are all growing way to fast! It would be bad enough if I saw them every day - but seeing them only once a year . . . . . . . STINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was taken just this past summer at Jamal's 3rd birthday party at a park in Marlette. My handsome little guys!
Wait, wait! Don't go anywhere! I'm not done! I have 3 more Nephews and 2 more Great Nephews! Hang on . . . . . these 5 are alot harder to get pictures of!
Let me hunt a minute . . . . .Ok . . . here we go:
Put a little food out and they will not even notice you are taking pictures! HeHeHe
From left to right: Jason, Arend, Lee, Kim and Paul.

Ok - Jason is Jennifer's brother and they both belong to my sister Jan. Arend is my oldest brother's youngest son. Lee is my oldest brother. Kim is Jason and Jennifer's dad and of course, Paul is my youngest brother. Got it? No? Not sure I do either, but anyway - a great bunch of guys!
This is Jan (left) and my sister-in-law Florence (Lee's wife)

This is the hard one to catch with a camera - second from left - Garrick. He is Arend's older brother. (Lee's oldest son) He's a school teacher by day, but nights, weekends and nearly 24/7 in the summer he's a farmer! He and his dad (Lee) work, over 300 acres that are 100% certified organic. Owner/Operators of "Elston Organics". Lee's wife Florence and their younger son Arend also put a lot of "blood, sweat and tears" into the farm as well, but Lee and Garrick live and breath it!
Now for my other two wonderful Great Nephews. These two boys are amazing! They belong to Jason and Diana: Jason and Cole
This was Jason's 13th birthday - October 2011. He is an amazing and Godly young man! I just wish everyone I know could meet him and visit with him.
And this is our little Cole
God bless our little angel! He has been examined and tested and poked and looked at by every specialist we can find. No one can give a clear, complete diagnosis. Jason and Diana and little Jason all do everything in their power for him and a whole lot of praying. Your prayers are always welcome too, of course.
Little Cole has the sweetest most angelic face, ever! This is Diana, Cole's Mom. A wonderful, loving woman. Strong in so many ways! Spiritually, emotionally and believe it or not, physically when it comes to taking care of Cole. She is a tiny little thing and can not open a jar of pickles for anything! But seems to handle Cole with ease. God gives you strength when and were you need it! Praise the Lord!

Of course my dear Jason does his part too. There is no doubt about it, Cole is well cared for and loved very, very much!
Just to clarify a little; this is "us": Lee, Jan, Kathleen and Paul. All those kids above . . . . . are theirs! No - they are all mine too! I love them all! Each and every one! I'm just "Crazy Ol Aunt Kath" or "Crazy Ol Great Aunt Kath"! Just the way I like it!
Well, thanks for letting me go on about my Michigan family! I sure do miss them, but taking this little walk down memory lane with you introducing them all too you has really been fun! For me anyway! I hope you enjoyed meeting them.
I'm going to try to pop in here more often with tid bits of family and a few of my creations too. So come on back now! Ya hear?