I have been a busy girl! It has been over a year since I have added anything to my blog! Today is rainy, so I thought I would take this opportunity to do a little catch-up. I had a couple of drafts that I went in and finished and published. Here it is in a nut-shell:
I turned 50 in December, went on a 7 night cruise with my Wacky Pac Quilters Bee in February, went on a shop-hop in Dallas with a wonderful group of ladies from the Compass Centre and saw "Menopause, the Musical" in March and acquired a portable building for my quilt studio in April! Now I am renovating the building to suit my needs as a quilter! I have already posted some pictures from the birthday and Christmas, so let me catch you up on a couple of other things. Here are some pics:

February 24, 2008, The Wacky Pac Quilters went on a Royal Caribbean Cruise!!!!!!! Here we all are ready to go!

Here we are R E A L L Y enjoying ourselves!

Yes! That is our ship behind us! Captain Frank was very proud of his ship! And we were very proud of Captain Frank!!!
Ok then. In March, only 7 days after we returned from the cruise, 4 of us Wacky Women spent 4 days at the Compass Centre (one of the most wonderful retreat facilities in these United States of America). We worked on a mystery quilt the first day and went on a shop hop the second day. The owner of the Centre chartered a bus and we went to 5 wonderful quilt shops in Dallas, then had supper at a nice restaurant down town, then went to "Menopause - the Musical" at the Majestic Theater. We laughed until we hurt! Good thing we went to the rest room before going in! It could have been bad! A wonderful time was had by all!

Rhonda and I pooled our fabric and made one big mystery quilt. These fabrics, though very lovely, are just not us. So we put it all together and gave it to Melisa, the owner/operator of the retreat center. She did such an awesome job putting together this wonderful retreat, we had to do something to thank her for all her work! If you have never been to a retreat at the Compass Centre in Mt. Calm, Texas, you are surly missing out!!!
And now for my current endeavor. My husband and I have made friends with a wonderful young couple. Brick and Alysa Sullivan. Two years ago they had a little girl, Emili. She was born a month early and had to spend a month in the hospital in Waco. (40+ miles from here) So we took our 5th wheel camper to the hospital parking lot so that they could stay there and visit when allowed. Something, we feel was just a given'! Well, they appreciated it immensely. Well, what does this have to do with my current endeavor? Well, through Brick's work he aquired a 2003 construction office trailer. He really had no use for it, or any use he could come up with was going to cost more money and labor than what he wanted to invest, so he offered it to my husband and I. We took a look at it and knew in an instant what it's purpose was to be!!!!!!!! Kat's Quilts!